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Its that time again! Time for another work blog! unfortunately coming down off the end of the game jam there has been very minimal progress. But progress is progress, so lets get into it.

Monday the 7th had no progress to speak of due to reviewing the submissions from the game jam, so work began on Tuesday. I started by returning to work on the basic sword model. I had previously made the low poly version, and now continued onto working with the high poly. While this is not quite done, I was able to begin setting more stylistic proportions relative to our basic player model. This work continued into Wednesday as I began looking into baking high poly to low poly in substance painter, and trouble shooting several problems that occurred. As it turned out, I had to fix the UV maps that were not correctly sized.

Finally, Thursday was dedicated to a new project. I installed substance designer and began learning the program, following a tutorial to get the basics. From there, I started work on a wooden floor texture that we will be using in game.


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