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Catching up

It has been four weeks since I last wrote one of these, unfortunately due to me getting sick. Twice. Regardless, now that I am finally back into the swing of things I will do my best to recount what we did in the past few weeks.

The week of September 20th I rather unfortunately got very little done. I was able to work a total of one day before getting sick, and on that day we focused on characters. Working with another writer (Kyle) we established a naming convention for our characters based on the scientific name of the plant they were based off of. From here we went through all our existing concepts to name them, and began work on designing personalities. At time of writing we have 7 characters in second draft with names, personalities, and beginning concepts on professions and quests.

The following week I returned to find we were starting a game jam. The theme was secrets and mysteries, so I joined up with my normal team to create an escape room. My primary duties in this project became writing, filming, and editing a short video introducing the setting and hinting at several puzzles. I also assisted in the overall design process, creating several puzzles in the room. Our first week of October we only had three days to work with, and continued this project in the hopes of running the escape room for charity. Unfortunately the school would not allow this, and I only was present for two of these days before I was once again sick.

Between October 11th and 15th, I was only present for the 13th and 14th. These two days were dedicated to establishing our goals for the next project review. In the end I began work on dialog drafting for a basic quest we hoped to showcase, and continued the character work from paragraph 2. Going forward I intend to continue work on characters, hopefully alongside artists to begin establishing art that matches the personalities and professions.

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